SÖRNA Showroom

sorna (Portuguese word):
1. Short sleep
2. Be lazy

Program: showroom
Intervention area: 43,41m²
Location: Águeda, Portugal
Client: SÖRNA
Year: 2023 (concluído)
Architecture: CURO: Arq.ª Ana Rita Gomes
Photography ©Nuno Viriato – End.Studio

Program: showroom
Intervention area: 43,41m²
Location: Águeda, Portugal
Client: SÖRNA
Year: 2023 (concluído)
Architecture: CURO: Arq.ª Ana Rita Gomes
Photography ©Nuno Viriato – End.Studio

The brand SÖRNA is a new Portuguese National venture in the mattress market. With a light and playful image, its products are intended for all age groups. Setting itself apart from others with its light and playful design, this was a challenge accepted with great enthusiasm. The architecture of the space was already conceived, so it was necessary to work on all the interior architecture and choose each piece with the aim of aligning the visual image with the brand's image.