Casa Braz

rehabilitate (verb):
1. Carry out repair or recovery work (e.g.: rehabilitate a property; rehabilitate the neighborhood).
2. Restore or recover public esteem.

Program: single-family house| T2
Intervention area: 58m²
Location: Águeda, Portugal
Client: private
Year: 2023 –
Architecture: CURO: Arq.ª Ana Rita Gomes
Topographic Survey: Topografo Fernando Pinto
Archviz: Joana Marques

Program: single-family house| T2
Intervention area: 58m²
Location: Águeda, Portugal
Client: private
Year: 2023 –
Architecture: CURO: Arq.ª Ana Rita Gomes
Topographic Survey: Topografo Fernando Pinto
Archviz: Joana Marques

Casa Braz, located in the historic area of the city of Águeda, is a permanent home/shop in the population's memory. Being a family legacy the old fruit shop passed from generation to generation, now giving space to a new commercial exploration and a new house on the upper floors. Although its history is rewritten, it is no less valuable. Therefore, it was very important to respect the pre-existing facade, the current needs for a healthy construction and remove the maximum advantage of the available space and possible use.
This creates a store with a more contemporary look, but which respects history and its presence in the city.